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Chapter 13. Physiologic Factors Related to Drug Absorption | Biopharmaceutics |


Chapter 13. Physiologic Factors Related to Drug Absorption



The systemic absorption of a drug is dependent on:

(1) the physicochemical properties of the drug,

(2) the nature of the drug product, and

(3) the anatomy and physiology of the drug absorption site.



Route of Drug Administration:

Drugs may be given by parenteral, enteral, inhalation, transdermal (percutaneous), or intranasal route for systemic absorption. Each route of drug administration has certain advantages and disadvantages. The systemic availability and onset of drug action are affected by blood flow to the administration site, the physicochemical characteristics of the drug and the drug product, and by any pathophysiologic condition at the absorption site.



Common Routes of Drug Administration: (Just for Understanding)

1.           Parenteral Routes:

a)          Intravenous bolus (IV):


·         Complete (100%) systemic drug absorption.

·         Rate of bioavailability considered instantaneous.


·         Drug is given for immediate effect.


·         Increased chance for adverse reaction.

·         Possible anaphylaxis.


b)       Intravenous infusion (IV inf):


·         Complete (100%) systemic drug absorption.

·         Rate of drug absorption controlled by infusion rate.


·         Plasma drug levels more precisely controlled.

·         May inject large fluid volumes.

·         May use drugs with poor lipid solubility and/or irritating drugs.


·         Requires skill in insertion of infusion set.

·         Tissue damage at site of injection (infiltration, necrosis, or sterile abscess).

c)        Intramuscular injection (IM):


·         Rapid from aqueous solution.

·         Slow absorption from nonaqueous (oil) solutions.


·         Easier to inject than intravenous injection.

·         Larger volumes may be used compared to subcutaneous solutions.


·         Irritating drugs may be very painful.

·         Different rates of absorption depending on muscle group injected and blood flow.


d)       Subcutaneous injection (SC):


·         Prompt from aqueous solution.

·         Slow absorption from repository formulations.


·         Generally, used for insulin injection.


·         Rate of drug absorption depends on blood flow and injection volume.

2.           Enternal:

Buccal or sublingual (SL):


·         Rapid absorption from lipid-soluble drugs.


·         No "first-pass" effects.


·         Some drugs may be swallowed.

·         Not for most drugs or drugs with high doses.

Oral (PO):


·         Absorption may vary.

·         Generally, slower absorption rate compared to IV bolus or IM injection.


·         Safest and easiest route of drug administration.

·         May use immediate-release and modified-release drug products.


·         Some drugs may have erratic absorption, be unstable in the gastointestinal tract, or be metabolized by liver prior to systemic absorption.


Rectal (PR):


·         Absorption may vary from suppository.

·         More reliable absorption from enema (solution).


·         Useful when patient cannot swallow medication.

·         Used for local and systemic effects.


·         Absorption may be erratic.

·         Suppository may migrate to different position.

·         Some patient discomfort.


-  Transdermal (slow absorption, may irritate)

-  Intranasal/Inhalation (rapid absorption)


Many drugs are not administered orally because of drug instability in the gastrointestinal tract or drug degradation by the digestive enzymes in the intestine.

For example, erythropoietin and human growth hormone (somatrophin) are administered intramuscularly, and insulin is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, because of the potential for degradation of these drugs in the stomach or intestine.

Biotechnology products are often too labile to be administered orally and therefore are usually given parenterally. Drug absorption after subcutaneous injection is slower than intravenous injection.


Cholestyramine exerts its local action in GIT and it has no systemic absorption.


Mesalamine and Basalazide have local activity in GIT but significant amount is absorbed systemically.



Physiological factors (for absorption through GIT)

These factors include:


·         Membrane physiology

·         Passage of drug molecules across membrane

·         GIT physiology



Many drugs administered by extravascular routes are intended for local effect. Other drugs are designed to be absorbed from the site of administration into the systemic circulation. For systemic drug absorption, the drug must cross cellular membranes. After oral administration, drug molecules must cross the intestinal epithelium by going either through or between the epithelial cells to reach the systemic circulation. The permeability of a drug at the absorption site into the systemic circulation is intimately related to the molecular structure of the drug and to the physical and biochemical properties of the cell membranes. Once in the plasma, the drug may have to cross biological membranes to reach the site of action. Therefore, biological membranes potentially pose a significant barrier to drug delivery.


Transcellular absorption: is the process of drug movement across a cell.

Paracellular drug absorption: Some polar molecules may not be able to traverse the cell membrane but, instead, go through gaps or tight junctions between cells, a process known as paracellular drug absorption.

Some drugs are probably absorbed by a mixed mechanism involving one or more processes.


Functionally, cell membranes are semipermeable partitions that act as selective barriers to the passage of molecules. Water, some selected small molecules, and lipid-soluble molecules pass through such membranes, whereas highly charged molecules and large molecules, such as proteins and protein- bound drugs, do not.

The transmembrane movement of drugs is influenced by the composition and structure of the plasma membranes. Cell membranes are generally thin, approximately 70 to 100 A in thickness. Cell membranes are composed primarily of phospholipids in the form of a bilayer interdispersed with carbohydrates and protein groups.


Two Theories:

1)      The lipid bilayer or unit membrane theory, , considers the plasma membrane to be composed of two layers of phospholipid between two surface layers of proteins, with the hydrophilic "head" groups of the phospholipids facing the protein layers and the hydrophobic "tail" groups of the phospholipids aligned in the interior.

2)      The fluid mosaic model, explains the transcellular diffusion of polar molecules. According to this model, the cell membrane consists of globular proteins embedded in a dynamic fluid, lipid bilayer matrix. Two types of pores of about 10 nm and 50 to 70 nm were inferred to be present in membranes based on capillary membrane transport studies. These small pores provide a channel through which water, ions, and dissolved solutes such as urea may move across the membrane.




Passive Diffusion:

Theoretically, a lipophilic drug may pass through the cell or go around it. If the drug has a low molecular weight and is lipophilic, the lipid cell membrane is not a barrier to drug diffusion and absorption.

“Passive diffusion is the process by which molecules spontaneously diffuse from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. This process is passive because no external energy is expended”


When one side is higher in drug concentration, at any given time, the number of forward-moving drug molecules will be higher than the number of backward-moving molecules; the net result will be a transfer of molecules to the alternate side. The rate of transfer is called flux.


Molecules in solution diffuse randomly in all directions. As molecules diffuse from left to right and vice versa (small arrows), a net diffusion from the high-concentration side to the low-concentration side results. This results in a net flux (J ) to the right side. Flux is measured in mass per unit area (e.g. mg/cm2).


Passive diffusion is the major absorption process for most drugs.


Fick’s Law of Diffusion:

According to Fick's law of diffusion, drug molecules diffuse from a region of high drug concentration to a region of low drug concentration.



dQ /dt = rate of diffusion, D = diffusion coefficient,

K = lipid water partition coefficient of drug in the biologic membrane that controls drug permeation, A = surface area of membrane;

h = membrane thickness, and CGI - Cp = difference between the concentrations of drug in the gastrointestinal tract and in the plasma.

Given Fick's law of diffusion, several other factors can be seen to influence the rate of passive diffusion of drugs.

·         Because the drug distributes rapidly into a large volume after entering the blood, the concentration of drug in the blood initially will be quite low with respect to the concentration at

the site of drug absorption. If the drug is given orally, then CGl > Cp and a large concentration gradient is maintained, thus driving drug molecules into the plasma from the gastrointestinal tract.

·         The degree of lipid solubility of the drug influences the rate of drug absorption. Drugs that are more lipid soluble have a larger value of K .

·         The surface area, A , of the membrane also influences the rate of absorption. Drugs may be absorbed from most areas of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the duodenal area of the small intestine shows the most rapid drug absorption, due to such anatomic features as villi and microvilli, which provide a large surface area. These villi are less abundant in other areas of the gastrointestinal tract.

·         The thickness of the hypothetical model membrane, h , is a constant for any particular absorption site. In the brain, the capillaries are densely lined with glial cells, so a drug diffuses slowly into the brain as if a thick lipid membrane existed. Drugs usually diffuse very rapidly through capillary plasma membranes in the vascular compartments, in contrast to diffusion through plasma membranes of capillaries in the brain. However, in certain disease states such as meningitis these membranes may be disrupted or become more permeable to drug diffusion.

·         The diffusion coefficient, D , is a constant for each drug and is defined as the amount of a drug that diffuses across a membrane of a given unit area per unit time when the concentration gradient is unity. The dimensions of D are area per unit time for example, cm2 /sec.


Because D , A , K , and h are constants under usual conditions for absorption, a combined constant P or permeability coefficient may be defined.


The drug concentration in the plasma, C p , is extremely small compared to the drug concentration in the gastrointestinal tract, C GI . If C p is negligible and P is substituted into Equation 13.1, the following relationship for Fick's law is obtained:


Equation 13.3 is an expression for a first-order process. Moreover, because of the large concentration gradient between C GI and C p , the rate of drug absorption is usually more rapid than the rate of drug elimination.

Many drugs have both lipophilic and hydrophilic chemical substituents. Those drugs that are more lipid soluble tend to traverse cell membranes more easily than less lipid-soluble or more water- soluble molecules. For drugs that act as weak electrolytes, such as weak acids and bases, the extent of

ionization influences the rate of drug. The ionized species of the drug contains a charge and is more water soluble than the non-ionized species of the drug, which is more lipid soluble.





The ionized species of the drug contains a charge and is more water soluble than the nonionized species of the drug, which is more lipid soluble. The extent of ionization of a weak electrolyte will depend on both the pKa of the drug and the pH of the medium in which the drug is dissolved.

Henderson and Hasselbalch used the following expressions pertaining to weak acids and weak bases to describe the relationship between pKa and pH:


For Weak Acids:

For Weak Base:


Q. Find %ionization of Salicylic Acid in Stomach and Blood?






Carrier-Mediated Transport:

Theoretically, a lipophilic drug may pass through the cell or go around it. If the drug has a low molecular weight and is lipophilic, the lipid cell membrane is not a barrier to drug diffusion and absorption. In the intestine, drugs and other molecules can go through the intestinal epithelial cells by either diffusion or a carrier-mediated mechanism. Numerous specialized carrier-mediated transport systems are present in the body, especially in the intestine for the absorption of ions and nutrients required by the body.



Active transport is a carrier-mediated transmembrane process that plays an important role in the gastrointestinal absorption and in renal and biliary secretion of many drugs and metabolites.

E.g. A few lipid-insoluble drugs that resemble natural physiologic metabolites (such as 5-fluorouracil) are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract by this process.

“Active transport is characterized by the transport of drug against a concentration gradient that is, from regions of low drug concentrations to regions of high concentrations. Therefore, this is an energy-consuming system.”


In addition, active transport is a specialized process requiring a carrier that binds the drug to form a carrier drug complex that shuttles the drug across the membrane and then dissociates the drug on the other side of the membrane.

The carrier molecule may be highly selective for the drug molecule.






Above figure shows Comparison of the rates of drug absorption of a drug absorbed by passive diffusion (line A ) and a drug absorbed by a carrier- mediated system (line B ).



Facilitated diffusion is also a carrier-mediated transport system, differing from active transport in that the drug moves along a concentration gradient (ie, moves from a region of high drug concentration to a region of low drug concentration). Therefore, this system does not require energy input. However, because this system is carrier mediated, it is saturable and structurally selective for the drug and shows

competition kinetics for drugs of similar structure. In terms of drug absorption, facilitated diffusion seems to play a very minor role.



Various carrier-mediated systems (transporters) are present at the intestinal brush border and basolateral membrane for the absorption of specific ions and nutrients essential for the body (). Many drugs are absorbed by these carriers because of the structural similarity to natural substrates E.g. transmembrane protein, P- glycoprotein (Pgp), has been identified in the intestine.

Other transporters are also present in the intestines. For example, many oral cephalosporins are absorbed through the amino acid transporter.


Ø  Influx transporters

Influx transporters enhance absorption. In particular, more than 400 membrane transporters in two major super families

·         ATP-binding cassette (ABC)

·         Solute carrier (SLC)

Have been annotated in the human genome


Among these influx (absorptive) transporter are the intestinal oligopeptide transporter, or di-/tripeptide transporter, proton/peptide cotransporter (PepT1) localized on the brush border membrane has potential for enhancing intestinal absorption of peptide drugs.

For example, amino acid transporter transports methyldopa and oligopetide transporter transport

cefadroxil, cefixime and ceftibuten.


Ø  Efflux transporters

Efflux transporters cause the drug outflow. Many of the efflux transporters in GI tract are membrane proteins located strategically in membranes to protect the body from influx of undesirable substrates. A common example is MDR1 multidrug-resistance associated protein or P-gp which is also named ABCB1 (example of ATP-binding cassette (ABC)subfamily. P-gp has been identified in the intestine and reduces apparent intestinal epithelial cell permeability from lumen to blood for various lipophilic or cytotoxic drugs.


The expression of P-gp is triggered by disease or other conditions, contributing to efflux and variability of plasma drug concentrations after administered dose.

Efflux transporters move drug molecules back into the gut lumen and reduce systemic drug absorption.


Vesicular Transport:

Vesicular transport is the process of engulfing particles or dissolved materials by the cell.


Pinocytosis and phagocytosis are forms of vesicular transport that differ by the type of material ingested.

Pinocytosis refers to the engulfment of small solutes or fluid, whereas phagocytosis refers to the engulfment of larger particles or macromolecules, generally by macrophages.

Endocytosis and exocytosis are the processes of moving specific macromolecules into and out of a cell, respectively.


An example of exocytosis is the transport of a protein such as insulin from insulin-producing cells of the pancreas into the extracellular space. The insulin molecules are first packaged into intracellular vesicles, which then fuse with the plasma membrane to release the insulin outside the cell.

Transcytosis is the process by which various macromolecules are transported across the interior of a cell. The vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane to release the encapsulated material to another side of the cell. It is proposed process for the absorption of orally administered sabin polio vaccine and various large proteins.


Pore (Convective) Transport:

Very small molecules (such as urea, water, and sugars) are able to cross cell membranes rapidly, as if the membrane contained channels or pores. Although such pores have never been directly observed by microscopy, the model of drug permeation through aqueous pores is used to explain renal excretion of drugs and the uptake of drugs into the liver.


A certain type of protein called a transport protein may form an open channel across the lipid membrane of the cell.


Ion-Pair Formation:

Strong electrolyte drugs maintain their charge at all physiologic pH values and penetrate membranes poorly. When the ionized drug is linked up with an oppositely charged ion, an ion pair is formed in which the overall charge of the pair is neutral. This neutral drug complex diffuses more easily across the membrane.

For example, the formation of ion pairs to facilitate drug absorption has been demonstrated for propranolol, a basic drug that forms an ion pair with oleic acid, and quinine, which forms ion pair with

hexylsalicylate. Ion pairing may transiently alter distribution, reduce high plasma free drug concentration, and reduce renal toxicity.

An interesting application of ion pairs is the complexation of amphotericin B and DSPG (disteroylphosphatidylglycerol) in some amphotericin B/liposome products.




The oral dosage form must be designed to account for extreme pH ranges, the presence or absence of food, degradative enzymes, varying drug permeability in the different regions of the intestine, and motility of the gastrointestinal tract.


Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations: (Mainly focus the pH)

The drug given by the enteral route for systemic absorption may be affected by the anatomy, physiologic functions, content of the alimentary canal. The total transit time including gastric, small intestine and colonic emptying ranges from 0.4 to 5 days. While the small intestine transit time ranges from 3 to 4 hours. Duodenum is the major site for passive drug absorption due to both its anatomy, which creates a high surface area and high blood flow. High surface area of duodenum is due to presence of valve-like folds in the mucous membrane on which are small projections known as “villi”. These villi contain even smaller projections known as “microvilli” forming a brush border. Duodenal region is highly perfused with a network of capillaries.



Saliva is the main secretion of the oral cavity, and it has a pH of about 7. Saliva contains ptyalin (salivary amylase), which digests starches. Mucin, a glycoprotein that lubricates food, is also secreted and may interact with drugs. About 1500 mL of saliva is secreted per day.



The pH of the fluids in the esophagus is between 5 and 6. The lower part of the esophagus ends with the esophageal sphincter, which prevents acid reflux from the stomach. Tablets or capsules may lodge in this area, causing local irritation. Very little drug dissolution occurs in the esophagus.



The fasting pH of the stomach is about 2 to 6. In the presence of food, the stomach pH is about 1.5 to 2, due to hydrochloric acid secreted by parietal cells. Basic drugs are solubilized rapidly in the presence of stomach acid. Stomach emptying is influenced by the food content and osmolality. High-density foods generally are emptied from the stomach more slowly.

In the antral part of the stomach, a process of breaking down large food particles described as antral milling.



The duodenal pH is about 6 to 6.5, because of the presence of bicarbonate that neutralizes the acidic chyme emptied from the stomach. The pH is optimum for enzymatic digestion of protein and peptide food. The duodenum is a site where many ester prodrugs are hydrolyzed during absorption. The

presence of proteolytic enzymes also makes many protein drugs unstable in the duodenum, preventing adequate absorption.



This portion of the small intestine generally has fewer contractions than the duodenum and is preferred for in-vivo drug absorption studies.



This site has fewer contractions than the duodenum. The pH is about 7, with the distal part as high as 8. Due to the presence of bicarbonate secretion, acid drugs will dissolve. Bile secretion helps to dissolve fats and hydrophobic drugs.



The pH in this region is 5.5 to 7. Drugs that are absorbed well in this region are good candidates for an oral sustained-release dosage form. The colon contains both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms that may metabolize some drugs. For example, L-dopa and lactulose are metabolized by enteric bacteria.



In the absence of fecal material, the rectum has a small amount of fluid (approximately 2 mL) with a pH about 7. Drug absorption after rectal administration may be variable, depending on the placement of the suppository or drug solution within the rectum.





Oral cavity


















Drug Absorption in the Gastrointestinal Tract:

Drugs may be absorbed by passive diffusion from all parts of the alimentary canal including sublingual, buccal, GI, and rectal absorption.


For most drugs, the optimum site for drug absorption after oral administration is the upper portion of the small intestine or duodenum region. The unique anatomy of the duodenum provides an immense surface area for the drug to diffuse passively. The large surface area of the duodenum is due to the presence of valvelike folds in the mucous membrane on which are small projections known as villi .

These villi contain even smaller projections known as microvilli, forming a brush border. In addition, the duodenal region is highly perfused with a network of capillaries, which helps to maintain a concentration gradient from the intestinal lumen and plasma circulation.


·        Gastrointestinal motility

GI motility tends to move the drug through the alimentary canal, so the drug may not stay at the absorption site. The transit time of the drug in GI tract depends on the physiochemical and pharmacological properties of the drug, the type of dosage form, and various physiological factors. Movement of the drug depends on whether the canal is in fed or fasted state.

ü  During the fasted state altering cycles of activity known as the ‘migrating motor complex (MMC)’ act as propulsive movement that empties the upper GI tract to cecum. Irregular contractions followed by regular contractions with high amplitude (housekeeper waves) push any residual contents distally or farther down the alimentary canal.

ü  In fed state, the MMC is replaced by regular contractions, which have the effect of mixing intestinal contents and advancing intestinal stream towards the colon in short segments.

Characteristics of the Motility Patterns:

Fasted Stage:






30-60 min



20-40 min

·         Irregular contractions.

·         Medium amplitude but can be as high as phase III.

·         Bile secretion begins.

·         Onset of gastric discharge of administered fluid of small volume usually occurs before that of particle discharge.

·         Onset of particle and mucus discharge may occur during the latter part of phase II.


5-15 min

·         Regular contractions (4-5 contractions/min) with high amplitude.

·         Mucus discharge continues.

·         Particle discharge continues.


0-5 min

·         Irregular contractions.

·         Medium descending amplitude.

·         Sometimes absent.



Fed Stage:


One phase only

As long as food is present in the stomach

Regular, frequent contractions. Amplitude is lower than phase III.

                                                                                                      4–5 Contractions/min.                                            

·        Gastric emptying time

A swallowed drug rapidly reaches the stomach and stomach empties its contents into the small intestine. Because the duodenum has the greatest capacity for the absorption of drugs from the GI tract, a delay in gastric emptying time for the drug to reach the duodenum will slow the rate and possibly the extent of drug absorption.

If gastric emptying is unstable/delayed:

Some drugs, such as penicillin, are unstable in acid and decompose if stomach emptying is delayed. Other drugs, such as aspirin, may irritate the gastric mucosa during prolonged contact.

A number of factors affect the gastric emptying time. Some factors affect gastric emptying time includes

consumption of meals high in fat, cold beverages, and anti-cholinergic drugs.


Liquids and small particles are not retained in the stomach. Large particles, including tablets and capsules, are delayed from emptying for to 3 to 6 hours by the presence of food. Indigestible solids empty very slowly, during the indigestive phase the stomach is less motile but periodically empties its content due to housekeeper wave contractions



Stomach emptying time (50%)

10oz of liquid soft drink

30 min.

Scrambled egg

154 min.

Radio opaque marker

3 to 4 hours



Factors Influencing Gastric Emptying: (Taken from 5th edition. May use few examples from table below if there is a note on Gastric Emptying in Exam)


Influence on Gastric Emptying


The larger the starting volume, the greater the initial rate of emptying.

Type of meal

Triglycerides: Reduction in rate of emptying Carbohydrates: Reduction in rate of emptying Amino acids: Reduction in rate of emptying Osmotic pressure: Reduction in rate of emptying

Acids: Reduction in rate of emptying dependent upon concentration and molecular weight of the acid

Anticholinergics: Reduction in rate of emptying Narcotic analgesics: Reduction in rate of emptying Metoclopramide: Reduction in rate of emptying

Ethanol: Reduction in rate of emptying


Body position

Rate of emptying is reduced in a patient lying on left side.


Rate of emptying is greater for less viscous solutions.

Emotional states

Aggressive or stressful emotional states increase stomach contractions and

emptying rate

Bile salts

Rate of emptying is reduced.

Disease states

Rate of emptying is reduced in some diabetics and in patients with local pyloric




Vigorous exercise reduces emptying rate.

Gastric surgery

Gastric emptying difficulties can be a serious problem after surgery.


·        Intestinal motility

Normal peristaltic movements mix the contents of the duodenum, bringing the drug particles into intimate contact with the intestinal mucosal cells. The drug must have a sufficient time (residence time) at the absorption site for optimum absorption. In case of high motility in the intestinal tract, as in diarrhea, the drug has a very brief residence time and less opportunity for adequate absorption.

The average normal small intestine transit time (SITT) was about 7 hours according to early studies while newer studies show that SITT to be 3 to 4 hours. Thus a drug may take about 4-8 hours to pass through stomach and small intestine during the fasting state. During the fed state, SITT may take 8 to 12 hours. For modified-release -dosage form the drug slowly release over an extended period of time, the dosage form must stay within certain segment of the intestine so that the drug is absorbed before loss of dosage form in feces.



Perfusion of the Gastrointestinal tract

The blood flow to the GIT is important in carrying absorbed drug to the systemic circulation. A large network of capillaries and lymphatic vessels perfuse the duodenal region and peritoneum. The role of the lymphatic circulation in drug absorption is well established. Drugs are absorbed through the lacteal or lymphatic vessels under the microvilli. Absorption of drugs through the lymphatic system bypasses the first- pass effect due to liver metabolism, because drug absorption through the hepatic-portal vein is avoided. The lymphatics are important in absorption of dietary lipids and responsible for absorption of some lipophilic drugs.



Effect of food on gastrointestinal drug absorption:

The presence of food in the GI tract can affect the bioavailability of the drug from an oral drug product. Some effects of food on bioavailability of a drug are:

·         Delay in gastric emptying

·         Stimulation of bile flow

·         A change in pH of the GI tract

·         An increase in splanchnic blood flow

·         A change in luminal metabolism of the drug substance

·         Physical or chemical interaction of the meal with the drug product or drug substance

Food effects on bioavailability are generally greatest when drug taken shortly after meal.


§  Absorption of antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline) and hydrophilic drugs is decreased with food

§  Lipid-soluble drugs (griseofulvin, metazalone) are better absorbed with food having high fat content

§  Bile increase the solubility of fat-soluble drugs through micelle formation

§  For basic drugs with limited aqueous solubility, the presence of food in stomach stimulates HCL secretion, causing more rapid dissolution and better absorption. And absorption of these drugs is reduced when gastric acid secretion is reduced

§  Most drugs should be taken with full glass of water to ensure that drug will wash down

§  Some drugs like erythromycin, iron salts, aspirin and NSAIDs are irritating to GI mucosa so taken with food to reduce absorption but retained efficacy of drugs

§  The GI transit time for enteric-coated and non-disintegrated drug products may also be affected by the presence of food

§  Food can affect the integrity of the dosage form, causing alteration in release rate of the drug for example theophylline bioavailability from theo-24 controlled-release tablet is rapid when given in fed because of dosage form failure known as dose-dumping

§  Absorption of cefpodoxime proxetil is enhanced with food or if taken closely after fatty meal

§  Alendronate sodium must be taken at one-half hour before the first food or beverages.

§  Famotidine and cimetidine are taken before meals to curb excessive acid production.

§  Ticlopidine (antiplatelet) has enhanced absorption after a meal.



Effects of disease states on drug absorption

Drug absorption may be affected by any disease that cause changes in


1.       Intestinal blood flow

2.       Gastrointestinal motility

3.       Changes in stomach emptying time

4.       Drug pH that affects drug solubility

5.       Intestinal pH that affects the extent of ionization

6.       The permeability of the gut wall

7.       Bile secretion

8.       Digestive enzyme secretion

9.       Alteration of normal GIT flora

·         Patients on tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine) and antipsychotic drugs (phenothiazine) with anticholinergic drugs have reduced GI motility or even intestinal abstruction and delay in drug absorption.

·         Achlorhydric patients have inadequate acid in stomach which is essential for solubilizing insoluble free bases. And itraconazole, dapsone and ketoconazole may be less well absorbed in achlorhydria. Omeprazole render stomach achlorhydria affecting absorption

·         HIV-AIDS patients are prone to diarrhea and achlohydria which affect absorption

·         CHF patient have edema, reduced blood flow and slow intestinal motility which results in decreased absorption

·         Crohn’s disease inflammation of intestine have unpredictable drug absorption

·         Celiac disease effecting proximal small intestine which increase its permeability and absorption of drug like cephalexin is increased

·         Other intestinal conditions that may affect drug absorption include corrective surgery involving

peptic ulcer, antrectomy with gastroduodenostomy and selective vagotomy.



Drugs that affect absorption of other drugs

·         Anticholinergic drugs (propantheline bromide) reduce acid secretion and may also slow stomach emptying and motility of small intestine

·         Tricyclic antidepressants and phenothizines cause slow slower peristalsis in GIT

·         Metoclopramide stimulate stomach contraction and intestinal peristalsis thus reducing the effective time of absorption. For example Digoxin absorption is reduced by metoclopramide and increased by anticholinergic drugs

·         Antacids should not be given cimetidine. Antacids may complex with drugs like tetracycline, ciprofloxacin and indinavir resulting in decreased absorption

·         Proton pump inhibitors decrease gastric acid thereby raising gastric pH affecting bioavailability of ketoconazole and enteric-coated drug products in which high pH may dissolve coating

·         Cholestyramine binds warfarin, thyroxine, and loperamide thereby reducing absorption of these drugs



Nutrients that interfere with drug absorption

Many nutrients substantially interfere with the absorption or metabolism of drugs in the body. Oral drug-nutrient interactions are often drug specific and can result in either an increase or decrease in drug absorption.


·         Absorption of water-soluble vitamin such as B-12 and folic acid are aided by special absorption mechanism

·         Absorption of calcium in duodenum is an active process facilitated by vitamin D

·         Grapefruit juice often increases bioavailability by increase in plasma levels of drugs that are substrates for cytochrome P-450 (CYP)3A4. Grapefruit juice can also block drug efflux by blocking P-gp for some drugs.

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