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HOSPITAL PHARMACY IMP Questions with answers


Q1.Briefly explain the term Hospital?

The hospital is a complex organization utilizing combination of sophisticated  , specialized 

scientific equipment, and functioning through a group of trained people educated to the problem of 

modern medical science. These are all linked together in the common purpose of restoration and 

maintenance of good health.


“An institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured 


Q2.What is meant by hospital pharmacy?

The department or service in a hospital which is under the supervision of a professionally 

competent,  legally qualified pharmacist, and from which all medications are supplied to the 

nursing units and other services, where special prescriptions  are filled for patients in the 

hospital, where prescriptions are filled for ambulatory patients and out-patients, where 

pharmaceuticals are manufactured  in bulk, where narcotic and other prescribed drugs are dispensed, 

where injectable preparations should be prepared and sterilized, and where professional supplies 

are often stocked and dispensed.


Hospital pharmacy is the health care service, which comprises the art, practice, and profession of 

choosing, preparing, storing, compounding,  and dispensing medicines and medical devices, advising 

healthcare professionals and patients on their safe, effective and efficient use.

Q3.Differentiate between inpatients and outpatients? Inpatient: a patient who lives in hospital 

while under treatment.

Outpatient: a patient who attends a hospital for treatment without staying there overnight.

Q4.What are the various parts of prescription?

A prescription should consist of the following seven parts:

1.   Date.

2.   Name of the patient and information as to age.

3.   Superscription, or heading.

4.   Inscription, or main body of the prescription.

5.   Subscription, or directions to the compounder.

6.   Signatura, or directions for the patient.

7.   Prescriber's name.

Q5.What is meant by filling of prescription?

“Filling a prescription means that you are writing out a prescription.”              OR

A patient gets a prescription for a certain medication from the doctor. The patient then goes to 

the pharmacist to get said medication.

The pharmacist fills the prescription  by giving you the medication.


Q6.Name any 3 injectable preparations?

1.   injections

2.   intravenous infusions

3.   powders for injections or intravenous  infusions

4.   concentrates  for injections or intravenous infusions

5.   implants

Q7.What is meant by specialized prescription?

This provides full instructions on how to prepare and process data using the Prescribed Specialized 

prescription. Highly Specialized Drugs are medicines for the treatment of chronic conditions.

Q8.What are the duties of hospital pharmacist?

1.   Ensuring medicines are stored appropriately  and securely.

2.   setting up and supervising clinical trials.

3.   providing information on expenditure on drugs.

4.   Supervising the work of less experienced and less qualified staff.

5.   Providing advice on the dosage of medicines and the most appropriate form of medication, for 

example, tablet, injection, ointment or inhaler.

6.   Checking prescriptions to ensure that there are no errors and that they are appropriate and 

safe for the individual patient.

Q9. Enlist any 3 goals of hospital pharmacist?

1. To provide the benefits of a qualified hospital pharmacist to patients and health care 

institutions, to the allied health professions, and to the profession of pharmacy.

2. To assure a high quality of professional practice through the establishment  and maintenance of 

standards of professional ethics, education, and attainments and through the promotion of economic 


3. To promote research in hospital pharmacy practices and in the pharmaceutical sciences in 


4. To expand and strengthen institutional  pharmacists' abilities to:

•     Effectively manage an organized pharmaceutical service.

•     Develop and provide clinical services.

Q10.What is meant by generalized hospital? Give example along location.

General Hospitals: These hospitals offer treatment for common diseases. The main objective of 

General Hospital is to provide medical care, whereas teaching is secondary.

Hospital                                                                   Location

Lahore General Hospital                                         Ferozepur road lhr

Farooq hospital                                                        Main Boulevard Allama iqbal 

town lahore

Ittefaq Hospital                                                        Near H-Block Model town

Rasheed Hospital                                                     Khayaban-e-Jinnah

Services Hospital                                                     Jail road

Surgimed Hospital                                                   Zafar ali road


Sir ganga ram hospital                                           Service road (jail road)

Q11.What is meant by specialized hospital? Give example along location.

Specialized Hospitals: These hospitals concentrate on giving medical and nursing care in a specific 

area, e.g., ophthalmic hospital (deals with eye related problems), orthopaedic hospital (deals with 

bone related problems), cardiac hospital (deals with heart related problems), etc. Hospital         

                                                     Speciality                        Location

Shaukat Khanum Memorial cancer hospital &     Cancer                             Johar town

research centre

Gulab Devi Hospital Mughal Eye

Ghurki Trust Hospital

Punjab institute of cardiology Khan Kidney hospital

Punjab institute of mental health Punjab Dental Hospital

Tuberculosis ophthalmic

Ortho Cardiac

Renal Disorder Mental disorder Dentistry

Ferozepur Road  Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib Road

GT road-Burki road link, lhr

Jai1 road Jai1 road Jail Road

Taxali Gate road

Q12.Name any 2 orthopedic hospitals in Lahore?

Ghurki Trust Hospital                                            GT road-Burki road link, lhr

Khan Kinetic treatment                                         Maulana shaukat Ali road

Q13.Name any 2 Cardiac hospitals in Lahore?

Punjab institute of cardiology Fazal Cardiac Hospital

Jail Road

Noor Jehan road

Q14.Name any 2 cancer hospital in Lahore?

Shaukat Khanum Memorial cancer hospital &      Johar town research centre

INMOL cancer Hospital                                        Bhaikay wala mor near iqbal town

15.Name any 2 ophthalmic hospitals in Lahore?

Mughal Eye                                                           Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib Road

LRBT (Layton rehmatullah benevolent trust         N-5 free eye hospital) eye hospital

Q16. What is meant by Isolation hospital? Give 2 examples with location.

Ans. Isolation hospital: This is a hospital in which clients requiring isolation or client 

suffering from communicable diseases are taken care of.


S.no 1



Isolation hospital Adil hospital

Gulab devi chest hosppital


Main boulevard DHA lahore Ferozpur road Lahore

Q17. Basic difference b/w Teaching and Non-teaching hospital? Give 5 examples of each. Ans. 

Teaching hospital: The primary objectives of teaching hospital is teaching and training of doctors 

e.g. medical colleges

Non-teaching hospital: this is a hospital which not provides education to doctors.

S no                                             Teaching Hospitals                      

Non-teaching Hospitals

1                                                  Mayo hospital                              

Shaukat khanam memorial cancer hospital &research centre

2                                                  Sir ganga ram hospital

3                                                  Ghurki trust hospital

4                                                  Jinnah hospital

5                                                  Services hospital

Family hospital General hospital Omar hospital Doctor hospital

Q18. Any 3 rural hospital adjacent to Lahore?

Ans. (i) Munshi hospital     (ii) sarghoda hospital (iii) dist.Municipa1 kasoor hospital Q19. What 

is meant by large, medium small size hospital on the basis of no.beds? Ans. Large hospital: Any 

hospital having more than 500 beds is a large hospital.

Medium hospital: Any hospital having the beds strength b/w 200-500 is a medium hospital. Small 

hospital: Any hospital having less than 200 beds is a small hospital.

Q20. Enlist the minimum standards for hospital pharmacy setup?

Ans. Standard 1: Administration

Standard 2: Facilities

Standard 3: Drug distribution, inventory management and control

Standard 4: Drug information

Standard 5: Assuring rational drug therapy Standard 6: Research

Q21. Organizational hierarchy of pharmacy setup. Ans. Director of pharmacy

Clinical managed     clinical pharmacist, clinical coordinator, data analyst Operation managed    

pharmacists, technicians, buyer

Employ pharmacy supervi      EP pharmacist, EP technicians

Q22. Which facilities are required for establishing an ideal hospital pharmacy setup?

1.   Suitable area

2.   Enough Space and equipment in an amount and type to provide secure, environmentally controlled 

storage of drugs, shall be available.

3.   There should be suitable space and equipment for the sterile preparation and other packaging 


4.   There should be a private area for patient counseling.

5.   Current drug information resources must be available. Q23. What is inventory management and 



Ans. 1. The pharmacy shall be responsible for distribution and control of all drugs used within 


2. This responsibility extends to drug and related services provided to ambulatory patients. 

Policies and procedure governing these functions shall be developed by the pharmacist with input 

from other involved hospitals staff.

Q24. Any 2 software available for the inventory control. Ans. (i) Abuzar software            (ii) 

buraq software

Q25. What is meant by drug information center?

Ans. The center provides pharmaceutic and therapeutic drug information and consultation. Q26. What 

are the Aims & functions of DIC?

Ans.  The pharmacy is responsible for providing the institution's staff and patients with accurate, 

comprehensive  information about drugs and their use and shall serve as its center for drug 


Q27. How does pharmacist  assure rational Drug therapy while working in hospital pharmacy set up?

Ans.  An important aspect of pharmaceutical services is that of maximizing rational drug use. In 

this regard, the pharmacist,  in concert with the medical staff, must develop policies and 

procedures for assuring the quality of drug therapy.

Q28: What sort of research activities can be planned by hospital pharmacist to assure

rational drug therapy?

ANS: Pharmacist should initiate, participate in and support clinical and practice related research 

appropriate to the goals ,objectives and resources of the specific hospital.

•           policies and procedures

•           procurement, distribution and control of investigational drugs

Q29: Whether there is a need of policies and procedures for conducting research activities

in a hospital pharmacy setup? Briefly discuss.

ANS: yes, the pharmacist should assure policies and procedures for safe and proper use of 

investigational drugs and medication related devices are established and followed and that they 

meet all applicable laws and regulations. It should be assured that informed consent is obtained 

from the patient before first dose of study drug is administered.

Q30: what is the literal meaning of procurement of drug?

ANS: the process of acquiring supplies of drugs from private or public suppliers or through 

purchases from manufacturers, distributors or agencies.

Q31: how will you control the investigational drugs while working in the hospital

pharmacy setup?

ANS: investigational drugs shall be approved for use by an institutional review board and shall be 

dispensed and administered  to consenting patients according to approved protocol.

Q32: what is institutional  review board? And their functions?


ANS: An institutional review board (IRB), also known as an independent  ethics committee (IEC), 

ethical review board (ERB), or research ethics board (REB), is a committee that has been formally 

designated to approve, monitor, and review biomedical and behavioral research involving humans.

Q33: who will be responsible for disseminating  the information  regarding investigational drugs?

ANS: the project tackling pharmacist will be responsilble for disseminating the information 

regarding investigational drugs.

Q34: what is pharmacy and therapeutic committee?

ANS: it is the advisory group of the medical staff and serves as the organizational line of 

communication  between  medical staff and pharmacy department.  It is also a policy recommending  

body to the medical staff and administration of the hospital on matters related to the therapeutic 

use of drugs.

Q35:  functions of P AND T.C? ANS:

•           to service in advisory capacity in all matters pertaining to the use of drugs

•           to develop formulary of drugs accepted for use in hospital and provide its constant


•           to establish programs and procedures to help ensure cost effective drug therapy

•           to establish and plan suitable educational, programs for hospital's professional staff 

related to drug use

•           to participate in quality assurance activities related to distribution,  administration 

and use of medications

•           to review adverse drug reactions

•           to initiate drug-use review programs and studies and review results of such activities

•           to advice the pharmacy in implementation of effective drug distribution and control 


•           to make recommendations concerning drugs to be stocked in hospital patient-care areas. 

Q36: Enlist members of P and T.C?


•           physicians

•           pharmacists

•           nurses

•           administrators

•           Q.A coordinators

•           Epidemiologists/specialists

•           Ethicists

Q37: Describe organizational hierarchy  of P and T.C? ANS:


•           P and T.C is composed of atleast three physicians,  a pharmacist, nurse and an 


•           Committee members are appointed by governing unit

•           Chairman (physician) is appointed, pharmacist is designated as secretary

•           Committee should meet atleast 6 times per year

•           Committee should invite meeting persons to contribute specialized or unique knowledge, 

skills and judgements

•           Agenda and supplementary material is prepared by secretary including minutes of 

previous meetings

•           Meeting minutes should be maintained in permanent records

•           Liason with drug use shall also be maintained

Q38: What is the advisory role of P and T.C?

ANS: The committee recommends the adoption of, or assists in the formulation of, policies regarding 

evaluation, selection, and therapeutic use of drugs in hospitals.

Q39: what sort of educational activity can be performed by PnTC?

A: the committee recommends  or assists in the formulation of programs for the professional staff 

to have complete current knowledge on matters related to drugs and drug use.


A: it is continually revised list of medicines approved for use in the healthcare system by 

authorized prescribers.

Q41: need of hospital formulary system?

•     It ensure the quality drug use.

•     Controlling its cost.

•     It provides for the procuring, prescribing, dispensing and administering  of drugs.

•     It has only those drugs that are considered most safe and useful in patient care.

Q42: Potential benefits of hospital pharmacy?

A: these are as follows:

•     Therapeutic

•     Economic

•     Educational

Q43: Standard format of hosp pharmacy:

A: A typical formulary must have the following composition:

•     Title page

•     Names and titles of the members of the pharmacy and therapeutic committee

•     Table of contents

•     Products accepted for the use at hospital

•     Appendix

Q44:Flow chart for addition or deletion of medicine from hospital formulary?


Physician or          Written request pharmacist

DTC Secretary

DTC Meeting

Transparent decision      D ug literature

making                      evaluation



Written report; formulary

Information            recommendations


Q45: Major criteria for selection of any drug for hospital formulary?

•     Disease patterns

•     efficacy and effectiveness

•     Safety

•     Quality

•     Cost and cost effectiveness

•     Well known medicines

•     Expertise to manage the medicine

Q46: Purpose of compiling  patient medical record?

A: documentation  in the medical records provides evidence of appropriate  care. if a procedure is 

not documented, it is considered not done.

Q47: enlist the contents of patient record form?

•     Patient registration number

•     Date

•     Name

•     Age

•    Sex

•     Address

•     Occupation

•     past medical history

•     chief complaint

•     guess diagnosis

•     allergies

•     lab testing

•     final diagnosis


•     treatment

Q48: How to create and maintain patient records?

•     Initial interview

•     Documenting patient statement

•     Completing medical history forms

•     Documenting test results

•     Examination, preparation and vital signs

•     Follow-ups

Q49: Identify and describe common approaches or documentation  of info in medical records?

1.   Source oriented medical records:

•     Conventional  approach

•     Information is arranged according to who suppied the data

•     Problems and treatment are on the same form

•     Difficult to track the progress of specific events

2.   Problem oriented medical records:

•     It makes it easier to track progress of specific illness

•     Information include:

I.      Database

II.      Problem list

III.      Educational ,diagnostic and treatment plans

IV.      Progress note

Q50: Discuss the needs for neatness, timeliness, accuracy and professional tone in medical records?

A: it makes the medical record legible and correct timeliness enables to retrieve the document on

time in emergency situation. Accuracy is important for patient safety in medication  use. Q51) 

Explain how to correct and update a medical record?

Ans) To correct and update a patient's medical record:

•     Draw a line through the original information.

•     It must remain legible.

•     Insert correct information  above or below original line or in margin.

•     Document why correction was made.

•     Date, time, and initial correction.

Q52) Identify when and how a medical record may be released?

Ans) Medical records are considered highly confidential because of the very private, personal 

information they contain. With some exceptions,  health care providers will release a copy of your 

records to others only with your written permission. Records are released to:

•     Health care workers who have a need for the records to care for a patient.


•     Qualified people or organizations that perform services such as data processing, medical 

record transcription, administrative functions, or other such related services and for approved 

research and education functions.

•     Certain government  authorities, to investigate or regulate health related issues such as 

child abuse, communicable diseases, and prescription drugs.

Q53) Patient record is a legal document admissible in court?

Ans) Patient record is a legal document admissible in court as it is documented to provide an 

evidence of appropriate care and it provides complete information about patient care.

Q54) How does a patient record serve as a proof of event or procedure?

Ans)  Documentation  in the medical record provides evidence of appropriate care. If a procedure is 

not documented,  it is considered not done. Complete, accurate, and well-documented records are 

evidence of appropriate care

Q55) What is the importance of patient record in patient education,  research, and quality

of treatment?

Ans) Patient records play an important role in patient education through test results, providing 

information on health issues, and treatment instructions  to the patient. In research patient 

record serve as a source of data and in quality of treatment patient record provides peer review 

and helps in health care analysis and policy decisions.

Q56) What is meant by inform consent and hospital discharge summary forms?  Also discuss how to 

initiate and maintain the patient record with special focus on initial interview?

Ans) Inform consent forms verify that the patient understands procedures, outcomes, and options 

regarding a specific medical intervention.  Patient may withdraw consent at any time. Hospital 

discharge summary forms include Information summarizing the patient's hospitalization, Instructions 

for follow-up care, Physician signature.Initiating and maintaining patient record through initial 

interview  includes:

•     Completing medical history forms.

•     Examination, preparation, and vital signs.

•     Documenting  test results.

•     Documenting patient statements.

•     Maintaining patient privacy during interview. Q57) What are the six C's  of Charting?

Ans) The six C's  of charting are

Client's words             Conciseness

Clarity                          Chronological  order

Completeness              Confidentiality

Q58) What are the types of medical records? Ans)


Source-Oriented Medical Records

•    Conventional approach

•    Information  is arranged  according to who supplied

the data

•    Problems and treatments are on the same form

■   Difficult to track progress of specific events

Problem Oriented Medical Records

■   POMR records make it easier to track specific illnesses

•    Information included

•     Database

•     Problem list

•     Educational, diagnostic, and treatment plans

•     Progress notes

Q59) What is meant by soap documentation?

Ans) It is an orderly series of steps for dealing with any medical case Subjective data: 

Information the patient tells you.

Objective data: What the physician observes during the examination. Assessment: The impression of 

the patient's problem that leads to diagnosis. Plan: The treatment plan to correct the illness or 


Q60) What the temperature zones for storage of various medicaments? Product                         

                                       Storage temperature

refrigerated vaccines                                             +2°C to +8°C

frozen vaccines                                                      l5°C to -50°C

Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells                             1 to 6

Plasma, Cryoprecipitated AHF                              -18  fi  or colder

Platelets                                                                 20 to 24

Granulocytes                                                         20 to 24

Total Parenteral Nutrition                                      36 to 46

Q61) Names of Chief pharmacists at  hospitals?

Ans) Abdul Haleem Chief pharmacist at Jinnah Hospital Lahore. Sameen Sadaf Chief pharmacist at 

Bahria Town Hospital Lahore.


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