MCQ Base Clinical Pharmacology
Mechanism of drug action is explored by:
A) pharmacokinetics
B) pharmacogenetics
C) pharmacoeconomics
D) pharmacodynamics
E) pharmacognosy
Therapeutic window is the dosages of a medication (therapeutic serum concentrations ) between:
A) TD50 curve and ED50
B) ED50 and T1/2
C) the amount that gives an effect (effective dose) and the amount that gives more adverse effects than desired effects
D) the amount that gives minimal adverse effects and the amount that gives more adverse effects
E) the amount that gives minimal effect and the amount that gives full therapeutic effect
Therapeutic index is the ratio of:
A) LD50 over the ED50
B) ED50over the LD50
C) bioavailability over drug dose
D) apparent volume of distribution over elimination rate constant
E) total clearance over nonrenal (extrarenal) clearance
Therapeutic drug monitoring means:
A) trough concentration under steady-state condition
B) measurement of medication concentrations in blood
C) the process of chemical alteration of drugs in the body
D) amount of untoward effects following treatment
E) development of expected desired effects
Therapeutic dose is not related to:
A) patient’s age
B) rout of administration
C) desired therapeutic effect
D) organs of elimination
E) treatment costs
Mean therapeutic doses mentioned in manuals is obtained by the following way:
A) calculation of pharmacokinetic features
B) clinical investigations
C) experimental investigations
D) experimental data adopted for human body
E) calculation of pharmacodynamic features
Find correct definition to presystemic metabolism (first pass metabolism).
A) drug inactivation in the systemic circulation
B) drug inactivation in kidneys
C) drug inactivation in the liver after systemic circulation
D) enzymatic cleavage in the gastrointestinal lumen, gut wall, by bacterial enzymes, and in the liver
E) enzymatic cleavage in the gastrointestinal lumen
Advantages of parenteral rout of administration does not include one of the following:
A) rapid onset of action
B) low risk of overdosing
C) precise dosing
D) absence of influence on gastrointestinal tract
E) 100% bioavailability
Acetylsalicylic acid absorption is much faster when рН is:
A) 2,0
B) 3,0
C) 3,5
D) 4,5
E) 1,5
Atropine absorption is much faster when рН is:
A) 2,0
B) 3,0
C) 3,5
D) 4,5
E) 1,5
Distribution is the
A. Process that defines the drug entrance into the systemic circulation from the site of administration or application
B. Abstract concept, which determines where is a drug distributed
C. Chemical processing of drugs before they will leave an organism
D. Disposition of a drug throughout the body from the general circulation
E. Elimination of drugs from the body
Volume of distribution is the
A. Disposition of a drug throughout the body from the general circulation
B. Elimination of drugs from the body
C. Chemical processing of drugs before they will leave an organism
D. Process that defines the drug entrance into the systemic circulation from the site of administration or application
E. Abstract concept, which determines where is a drug distributed
Biotransformation is the
A. Process that defines the drug entrance into the systemic circulation from the site of administration or application
B. Elimination of drugs from the body
C. Disposition of a drug throughout the body from the general circulation
D. Abstract concept, which determines where is a drug distributed
E. Chemical processing of drugs before they will leave an organism
Phase 1 of the biotransformation embraces
A. Coupling between the prodrug metabolite with one of the several acids: glucuronic, sulphuric, acetic or amino acid.
B. Modification of the drug molecule into endogenous substances
C. Gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and other tissues
D. Conversion of the prodrug substance to a more polar metabolite
E. Chemical processing of drugs before they will leave an organism
Phase 2 of the biotransformation embraces
A. Coupling between the prodrug metabolite with one of the several acids: glucuronic, sulphuric, acetic or amino acid.
B. Conversion of the prodrug substance to a more polar metabolite
C. Activity of cytochrome P-450
D. Oxidation process and to a lesser extent reduction or hydrolysis
E. Microsomal and nonmicrosomal metabolising systems
Which characteristic is correct relatively to impaired renal function?
A. Decrement of drug concentration in blood
B. Increased elimination of drugs
C. Decreased clearance of drugs
D. Enhance in protein binding capacity
E. Fewer doses should be avoided
The subjects of pharmacokinetics are all except:
A. Route of administration of the drug.
B. Biotransformation of active substance.
C. Distibution of active substance within the organism.
D. Binding of the active substance with plasma albumins.
E. Adverse effects of the drug.
Which of the following is not the subject for pharmacodynamics?
A. Mechanism of action.
B. Duration of effect.
C. Adverse effects.
D. Phases of metabolism.
E. Affinity.
After administration of the drug following reactions could be observed except:
A. Therapeutic action.
B. Idiosyncrasy.
C. Tolerance.
D. Tachyphylaxis.
E. Reabsorption.
The duration of therapeutic effect depends on:
A. Route of administration.
B. Frequency of administration.
C. Form of the drug.
D. Elimination route.
E. No correct answer.
After what half-lives steady-state concentration of drug is achieved? A) 1-2 T 1/2
B) 3-5 T ½
C) 6-8 T ½
D) 9-11 T ½
E) 12-24 T ½
How do you understand elimination rate constant?
A) amount of drug, disposed in urine per day
B) amount of drug, disposed in feces per day
C) it is equivalent to the fraction of a substance that is removed per unit time measured at any particular instant
D) twofold reduction in drug concentration per day
E) twofold reduction in drug concentration during 12 hours
Risk of adverse effects is low in the following cases:
A) long-term of drug use
B) impairment of organs where biotransformation takes place
C) elderly patients
D) simultaneous use of less than 4 drugs
E) simultaneous use of drugs with the same adverse reactions
Pharmacokinetic interactions include one of the following:
A) drug action on receptors
B) enhancement of pharmacologic effect
C) attenuation of pharmacological effects
D) alteration of drug concentration of one drug by the prior or concurrent administration of another
E) influence of drug on another one following the same rout of administration
Name methods used to evaluate drug safety and effectiveness:
A) laboratory studies
b) imaging technology
C) physical examination
D) recording patient symptoms
E) all of the above
One of the following drugs inhibits tetracycline absorption.
A) sodium bicarbonate
B) calcium-containing drugs
C) potassium-containing medicines
D) phosphorus-containing compounds
E) magnesium-containing drugs
Which drug induces cytochrome P450 in the liver?
A) probenecid
B) epinephrine
C) norepinephrine
D) phenobarbital
E) dopamine
Which drug induces bilirubin biotransformation?
A) serotonin
B) epinephrine
C) norepinephrine
D) phenobarbital
E) dopamine
Cholestyramine decreases absorption of:
A) clindamycin
B) potassium-containing medicines
C) sodium bicarbonate
D) magnesium-containing drugs
E) phosphorus-containing compounds
Enzyme activity may be induced by one of the following drugs.
A) serotonin
B) epinephrine
C) norepinephrine
D) griseofulvin
E) dopamine
In emergency states we should take into account one of the following:
A) changes in drug absorption time
B) changes in drug absorption ammount
C) blood рН
D) gastric рН
E) urine рН
Prednisolone binds with one of the following proteins:
A) globulin
B) albumin
C) fibrinogen
D) prealbumin
E) prothrombin
One of the given below enhances glucocorticoid metabolism.
A) serotonin
B) epinephrine
C) norepinephrine
D) diphenin
E) dopamine
One of the given below enhances thyroxine metabolism.
A) serotonin
B) epinephrine
C) norepinephrine
D) diphenin
E) dopamine
One of the given below increases blood concentration of acetylcholine.
A) serotonin
B) epinephrine
C) norepinephrine
D) proserin
Е) dopamine
Pharmacological agents are used in therapeutics to
A. Kill agents caused inflammatory, etc.
B. Cure disease
C. Aggravate symptoms
D. Eliminate pathogenetic factors
E. Stimulate or inhibit hormone production
What drug’s action do you know?
A. Action on DNA
B. Action on cells
C. Action on specific receptor
D. Action on viruses
E. Action on mediators
Bioavailability is the
A. Proportion of administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation in unchanged form
B. Bioavailability is the kind of susceptibility of body tissues to the given drug
C. Proportion of administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation
D. Proportion of administered drug that reaches the systemic circulation in changed form
E. Ability of administered drug to reach its target of action
First-pass metabolism is
A. Metabolism which takes place in the liver
B. Metabolism which takes place in the gastrointestinal tract
C. The metabolism of a drug that occurs en route from the gut lumen to the systemic circulation
D. Renal metabolism
E. The metabolism of a drug that occurs in the systemic circulation
Choose the pharmacological group, which produces action on ion channels
A. Antiarrhythmic drugs
B. Beta2 –adrenoreceptor blockers
C. Sulfonamides
D. Antipsychotic drugs
E. Biguanides
1. Which characteristic is correct relatively to impaired renal function?
A. Decrement of drug concentration in blood
B. Increased elimination of drugs
C. Decreased clearance of drugs
D. Enhance in protein binding capacity
E. Fewer doses should be avoided
The subjects of pharmacokinetics are all except:
A. Route of administration of the drug.
B. Biotransformation of active substance.
C. Distibution of active substance within the organism.
D. Binding of the active substance with plasma albumins.
E. Adverse effects of the drug.
Which of the following is not the subject for pharmacodynamics?
A. Mechanism of action.
B. Duration of effect.
C. Adverse effects.
D. Phases of metabolism.
E. Affinity.
After administration of the drug following reactions could be observed except:
A. Therapeutic action.
B. Idiosyncrasy.
C. Tolerance.
D. Tachyphylaxis.
E. Reabsorption.
The duration of therapeutic effect depends on:
A. Route of administration.
B. Frequency of administration.
C. Form of the drug.
D. Elimination route.
E. No correct answer.
The ratio of quantity of drug reaching systemic blood flow and total amount of introduced drug in different forms, or manufactured by different producers is referred to as:
A. Pharmacokinetics.
B. Pharmacodynamics.
C. Pharmacoeconomics.
D. Bioavailability.
E. Bioequivalence.
The main groups of hypolipidemic drugrs are all except of:
A. Statins.
B. Fibrates.
C. Barbiturates.
D. Bile acids sequestrants.
E. Niacine and its derivatives.
Statins are all drugs except of:
A. Lovastatine.
B. Simvastatine.
C. Atorvastatine.
D. Somatostatine.
E. Pravastatine.
The main route of nicotinic acid elimination (about88% of the dose) is:
A. Kidney excretion.
B. Liver elimination.
C. Sweat glands.
D. Breast milk.
E. Salivary glands.
… drugs increase activity of lipoprotein-lipases, promote catabolism as well as decrease the synthesis of LDL, increase excretion of cholesterol with bile (which group?).
A. Statins.
B. Fibrates.
C. Barbiturates.
D. Sequestrants of bile acids.
E. Niacine.
To the polar cardiac glycosides belong
A. Strophanthin, digoxin
B. Isolanidum, digoxin
C. Methyldigoxin, acethyldigoxin
D. Strophanthin, corglicone
E. Digitoxin, dioxin
To the non-polar cardiac glycosides belong all except
A. Strophanthin, digoxin
B. Isolanidum, digoxin
C. Methyldigoxin, acethyldigoxin
D. Strophanthin, corglicone
E. Digitoxin, dioxin
Contraindications to prescribing cardiac glycosides are all except
A. Severe inflammatory and dystrophic myocardiac changes with the rhythm disorder
B. Progressing atrio-ventricular block
C. Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia
D. Strong bradycardia
E. Acute and chronic heart failure
Indications to prescribing cardiac glycosides:
A. Severe inflammatory and dystrophic myocardiac changes with the rhythm disorder
B. Progressing atrio-ventricular block
C. Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia
D. Strong bradycardia
E. Acute and chronic heart failure
Indications to prescribing cardiac glycosides
A. Severe inflammatory and dystrophic myocardiac changes with the rhythm disorder
B. Progressing atrio-ventricular block
C. Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia
D. Strong bradycardia
E. Atrial flutter
There are such periods in treatment with cardiac glycosides:
A. The period of exhaustion and the period of digitalis saturation
B. The period of digitalization and the period of supportive therapy
C. Acute and chronic digistalis periods
D. The period of digitalis saturation and the period of adaptative therapy
E. The periods of digistalis cumulation and withdrawal from the body It is characteristic of cardiac glycosides
A. High therapeutic index
B. Low therapeutic index
C. Low cumulation ability
D. The ability of quick withdrawal with the help of plasmapheresis
E. Practically do not bind with blood protein
To the symptoms of digitalis intoxication belong all except
A. Atrio-ventricular block
B. Anorexia
C. Perception of things in yellow and green shades of colour
D. Maniac depressive syndrome
E. Hypertonic crysis
To Beta-1-adrenomimetics belongs
A. Isodibut
B. Amrinone
C. Dobutamine
D. Oxprenolol
E. Dioxin
To inhibitors of phosphodiesterase belongs
A. Isodibut
B. Amrinone
C. Dobutamine
D. Oxprenolol
E. Dioxin
Indications to prescribing cardiac glycosides
A. Severe inflammatory and dystrophic myocardiac changes with the rhythm disorder
B. Progressing atrio-ventricular block
C. Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia
D. Strong bradycardia
E. Atrial flutter
There are such periods in treatment with cardiac glycosides:
A. The period of exhaustion and the period of digitalis saturation
B. The period of digitalization and the period of supportive therapy
C. Acute and chronic digistalis periods
D. The period of digitalis saturation and the period of adaptative therapy
E. The periods of digistalis cumulation and withdrawal from the body
It is characteristic of cardiac glycosides
A. High therapeutic index
B. Low therapeutic index
C. Low cumulation ability
D. The ability of quick withdrawal with the help of plasmapheresis
E. Practically do not bind with blood protein
To the symptoms of digitalis intoxication belong all except
A. Atrio-ventricular block
B. Anorexia
C. Perception of things in yellow and green shades of colour
D. Maniac depressive syndrome
E. Hypertonic crysis
To Beta-1-adrenomimetics belongs
A. Isodibut
B. Amrinone
C. Dobutamine
D. Oxprenolol
E. Dioxin
To inhibitors of phosphodiesterase belongs
A. Isodibut
B. Amrinone
C. Dobutamine
D. Oxprenolol
E. Dioxin
β-adrenoblockators fall into the following groups except
A. Blockators of β1- and β2-adrenoreceptors
B. Selective blockators of β1- adrenoreceptors
C. Combined blockators of β- and α-adrenoreceptors
D. Blockators of α1- and α2-adrenoreceptors
E. Not connected with blocking of adrenoreceptors
β-adrenoblockators have the following peculiarities except
A. Negative inotropic effect
B. Negative chronotropic effect
C. Negative bathmotropic effect
D. Positive inotropic effect
E. Negative dromotropic effect
Which effect is not characteristic of β-adrenoblockators?
A. Lowering arterial pressure
B. Blocking of β- adrenoreceptors in the vessels inhibits vasodilatation
C. Relative increase of α- adrenoreceptors in vessels
D. Increased lipolys
E. Development of Raynaud's syndrome
Which statement is false for β-adrenoblockators?
A. Lower insulin emission from the β-cells of islets of Langerhans
B. Depress the gluconeogenesis in liver
C. Lower lipolys
D. May lead to the development of hyperglycemic coma
E. Activate glycogenolysis in liver
Diltiazem belongs to the group of derivatives from:
A. Dihydropyridin
B. Fenilalkilamin
C. Benzodiazepine
D. Benzoic acid
E. Phenylalanine
Selective blockators of calcium channels work according to the following mechanism:
A. Block Т (transient)-channels and L (long lasting)-channels
B. Block L (long lasting)-channels
C. Block small calcium channels
D. Block Т (transient)-channels
E. Block all possible calcium channels
Non-selective blockators of calcium channels work according to the following mechanism:
A. Block Т (transient)-channels
B. Block small calcium channels
C. Block Т (transient)-channels and L (long lasting)-channels
D. Block L (long lasting)-channels
E. Block all possible calcium channels
Which of the following medicines decreases the frequency of heart contractions most?
A. Isradipine
B. Nifedipine
C. Nitrendipinе
D. Amlodipine
E. Verapamil
Which of the following medicines decreases the frequency of heart contractions most?
A. Isradipine
B. Dilitazem
C. Nifedipine
D. Nitrendipinе
E. Amlodipine
Which of the following medicines may increases the frequency of heart contractions?
A. Isradipine
B. Dilitazem
C. Nifedipine
D. Nitrendipinе
E. Amlodipine
Which of the following medicines blocks calcium channels in the blood vessels of the brain most?
A. Amlodipine
B. Verapamil
C. Dilitazem
D. Cinnarizine
E. Nitrendipinе
Which of the following medicines are not used to influence calcium channels in the blood vessels of the brain?
A. Cinnarizine
B. Flunarizin
C. Nicardipine
D. Nimodipine
E. Dilitazem
Which toxic effect after prescribing Dihydropyridin derivatives is most likely?
A. Diarrhea
B. Arterial hypertension
C. Hypoglykemia
D. Swelling
E. Hypothermia
The choice of the dosage of calcium channel blockator is made the following way:
A. The treatment should be started and carried out with an average therapeutic dosage recommended for the illness
B. Gradually from less to more effective
C. From double therapeutic dosage during the first three days with the following decrease of the dosage to the average therapeutic
D. Initial loading dose should last not less than a week
E. The frequency of medicine use is gradually increased during the day
Name pharmacological effect which is typical for calcium channel blockers
A) decline of automaticity in pacemaker cells
B) increase platelet aggregation
C) increase smooth muscle tone in brain vessels
D) increase myocardial contractility
E) promote oxyhemoglobin dissociation
One of the following side effects occurs fore often than others regarding use of calcium channel blockers.
A) cardiac failure
B) parkinsonism
C) headache
D) constipation
E) bigeminy or trigeminy
One of the following condition does not require usage of calcium channel blockers.
A) essential hypertension
B) hypertensive crisis with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
C) Prinzmetal’s angina
D) alleviation of stuttering
E) ventricular tachyarrhythmia
What duration of action of azamethonium bromide following IV administration?
A) 20-30 min
B) 1-2 hours
C) 2-4 hours
D) 5-6 hours
E) 10-12 hours
Single dose of hexamethonium benzosulfonate in mg equal to: A) 1-2
B) 6-75
C) 8-40
D) 15-90
E) 100-200
Choose the absolute contraindication for ganglioblockers.
A) glaucoma
B) pheochromocytoma
C) hypotension
D) advanced liver failure
E) thrombosis
Choose the relative contraindication for ganglioblockers.
A) glaucoma
B) sleeplessness
C) advanced liver failure
D) Severe cerebral atherosclerosis with coronary
E) subarachnoid hemorrhage
Duration of action of reserpine equal to:
A) 1-2 hours
B) 2-4 days
C) 2-4 weeks
D) 5-6 weeks
E) more than 6 weeks
All drugs, given below are α-adrenoblockers, except:
A) teratozin
B) tamsulosin
C) phentolaminum
D) reserpine
E) alfuzosin
In what case we should not use glucagon?
A) congestive heart failure with severe bradycardia
B) heart failure, atrioventricular heart block, ventricular fibrillation
C) intoxication following taking β-adrenolytics or calcium channel blockers
D) severe hyperglycemia
E) postoperative and perioperative rise in cardiac output
Choose the rate of dopamine infusion
A) less than 1 µ/kg/min
B) 1-2 µ/kg/min
C) 3-5 µ/kg/min
D) 8-10 µ/kg/min
E) more than 10 µ/kg/min
Administration of dopamine should be tapered quickly if at the same time patient uses:
A) Nitroprusside Sodium
B) dobutamine
C) nialamide
D) nitroglycerine
E) almagel A (algeldrate + benzocaine + magnesium hydroxide)
Dopamine should not be used in the case when patient has:
A) lung edema
B) cardiogenic shock and hypovolemic shock
C) lesser circuit hypertension in newborn
D) traumatic shock, septic shock
E) aortic stenosis, cardiac tamponade
What statement is not correct relatively to dopamine mimetics?
A) dobutamine stimulates β1-adrenergic receptors and dopamine receptors
B) dobutamine is available only for parenteral administration 1-2 µ/kg/min
C) dobutamine is a sympathomimetic drug used in the treatment of heart failure and cardiogenic shock
D) ibopamine is a sympathomimetic used in ophthalmology (it induces mydriasis) and some times in the treatment of congestive heart failure
E) dopexamine, a dopamine analog developed for IV use in the treatment of heart failure and low cardiac output states
What statement is not correct regarding α-adrenoblockers?
A) proroxan has been used as an antihypertensive and in the treatment of Meniere’s disease, motion sickness, and allergic dermatitis
B) side effects of prazosin do not include orthostatic hypotension, syncope, and nasal congestion
C) the primary application for phentolamine is for the control of hypertensive emergencies, most notably due to pheochromocytoma
D) labetalol and carvedilol block α and β adrenergic receptors
E) cadralazine is an antihypertensive of the hydrazinophthalazine chemical class
What drug is not included in the group of K+ATP channel agonists?
A) minoxidil
B) nicorandil
C) pinacidil
D) ribomunyl
E) cromakalim
Choose incorrect effect for clonidine.
A) smooth muscle relaxation
B) sedative
C) increase cardiac output and heart rate
D) somniferous
E) pain relieving
Reserpine may be combined with:
A) cardiac glycosides
B) tricyclic antidepressants
C) β-adrenolytics
D) diuretics
E) clonidine-like compounds
Find side effect for reserpine.
A) extrapyramidal disorder
B) tachycardia
C) inhibition of unconditioned reflexes (sucking, swallowing) and breathing in newborn
D) decreased libido
E) hyperacid gastritis
Adverse effects of epinephrine include all of the given below, except:
A) trembling
B) dyspnea
C) redness of face
D) sweating
E) hypotension
Single IV dose of phenylephrine hydrochloride equal to:
A) 1-5 mg
B) 5-10 mg
C) 15-20 mg
D) 20-25 mg
E) 50-100 mg
Single intramuscularly dose of etafedrine equal to:
A) 1-2 mg
B) 2-5 mg
C) 7-10 mg
D) 10-12 mg
E) 15-20 mg
Maximum dose of midodrine equal to:
A) 5 mg
B) 10 mg
C) 12 mg
D) 30 mg
E) 100 g
What triggers withdrawal of theophylline from the human body?
A. Hyperthyreosis
B. Taking the medicine in the morning
C. Cor pulmonale
D. Liver cirrhosis
E. Smoking
Which antibiotics group enhances the increase of theophylline concentration in blood?
A. Fluoroquinolones
B. Linkozamides
C. Penicillins
D. Rifampicinum
E. Cephalosporins
All groups of medicines enhance the increase of theophylline concentration in blood except:
A. Н2-histamineblockastors
B. Barbituric acid derivatives
C. Macrolides
D. Fluoroquinolones
E. β-adrenoblockators
All groups of medicines enhance the decrease of theophylline concentration in blood except:
A. Barbituric acid derivatives
B. Isoniazid
C. Peroral contraceptives
D. Linkozamides
E. Macrolides
Choose the mechanism, which does not take part in broncholytic action of theophylline:
A. Activates the contraction of smooth muscle cells of the respiratory tract
B. Activates histamine release from the lung cells
C. Inhibits catecholamine release from the nerve endings
D. Blocks the adenosine receptors of the cells
E. Inhibits the release of inflammation mediators
Clinical effects caused by inhibitors of phosphodiesterase are displayed in all cases except:
A. Stimulated breathing centre
B. Liver tract dilatation
C. Decrease of the force and frequency of heart contractions
D. Diuretic effect stimulation
E. Bronchospasm decrease
During which disease the use of inhalation forms of M-cholinobacters is most effective?
A. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
B. Pneumosclerosis
C. Bronchial asthma
D. Lung emphysema
E. Bronchoectatic disease
Bioacessibility of Ipratropium bromide during inhalation makes up: A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30 %
D. 80%
E. 100%
To stop the bronchial asthma attack the medicine, which should be used is:
A. Orciprenaline
B. Salmeterol
C. Formoterol
D. Terbutaline
E. Salbutamol
For stopping infrequent attacks of bronchospasm of any genesis usually are prescribed:
A. α- and β-adrenostimulators
B. Nonselective β-adrenostimulators
C. Selective adrenostimulators of short term action
D. Selective adrenostimulators of long term action
E. M-cholinobacters
Which medicine has sedative and antigistamine effect?
A. Cromoglocic acid
B. Cromolyn sodium
C. Nedocromil sodium
D. Chloropyramine
E. Fexofenadine hydrochloride
Choose the medicine of the adrenomimetcs group, which is not selective:
A. Salbutamol
B. Fenoterol
C. Orciprenaline
D. Terbutaline
E. Formoterol
All the following sympatomimetics have prolonged action except:
A. Orciprenaline
B. Clenbuterol hydrochloride
C. Salmeterol
D. Formoterol
E. None of the mentioned
Choose the beginning of Sulbutamol effect in inhalations:
A. During the first minute
B. During the second minute
C. During the third minute
D. During the 4th-5th minutes
E. During the 10th minute
At which concentration of theophylline in blood may coma develop?
A. 10 mg/l
B. 20 mg/l
C. 30 mg/l
D. 40 mg/l
E. 50 mg/l
Which is the pharmacocinetics peculiarity of theophylline in newly born?
A. Fermentative oxidation is decreased
B. The speed of elimination is decreased
C. Fermentative oxidation is increased
D. Elimination is increased
E. Fermentative oxidation and elimination speed are decreased
The insulin that does not have a peak of action is:
A. Glulisin (Apidra)
B. Glargine (Lantus)
C. Isophane (Protaphane)
D. Biphasic Insulin N 70/30
E. Aspart (Novolog)
Insulin formulation that has a very fast onset of action is:
A. Glargine (Lantus)
B. Soluble human (Humodar)
C. Lispro (Humalog)
D. Human Isophane (Фармасулін НNP)
E. Detemir (Levemir)
Oral hypoglycemic agents include all of the following, except:
A. Sulfonylureas
B. Biguanides
C. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
D. Thiazolidinediones
E. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
Which side effects are not commonly seen with sulfonylureas?
A. Hypoglycemia
B. Headache
C. Dizziness
D. Diaphoresis
E. Gastrointestinal disturbances
Sulfonylureas are contraindicated in all of the following patients, except:
A. Patients with type I diabetes mellitus
B. Patients with renal insufficiency
C. Patients with liver disease
D. Pregnant patients
E. Patients with arterial hypertension
Metformin is contraindicated in all of the following situations, except:
A. Increased BMI
B. Tendency to develop lactic acidosis
C. Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disturbances
D. Pregnancy
E. Breast feeding
All of the following are indications for acarbose use, except:
A. Monotherapy for type II diabetes
B. Monotherapy for type I diabetes
C. Combination therapy with insulin for type I diabetes
D. Combination therapy with glimepiride for type II diabetes
E. Combination therapy with insulin for type II diabetes
All of the following qualities apply to nateglinide, except:
A. Short half-life
B. Minimal risk for developing hypoglycemia
C. Metabolized by liver
D. Restores early insulin secretion
E. Excreted by kidneys
One of the indications for prescribing nateglinide is:
A. Depletion of pancreatic beta-cells
B. Significant postprandial hyperglycemia
C. Tendency to develop lactic acidosis
D. Resistance to sulfonylureas
E. Insulin resistance
Thyroid hormones have all of the following qualities, except:
A. They activate synthesis of RNA and amino acids
B. They increase basal metabolism
C. They inhibit erythropoesis
D. They increase heat production
E. They stimulate insulin breakdown
Thyroid hormones have all of the following qualities, except:
A. They stimulate gluconeogenesis
B. They acrivate central respiratory center
C. They inhibit pituitary TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) synthesis
D. They inhibit gluconeogenesis
Е. They increase basal metabolism
All of the following are side effects associated with thyroid hormone use, except:
A. Heat intolerance
B. Weight gain
C. Hyperhydrosis
D. Irritability
E. Insomnia
All of the following are side effects associated with thyroid hormone use, except:
A. Weight loss
B. Tachycardia
C. Decreased tendon reflexes
D. Diarrhea
E. Tachyarrythmia
Thyroid medications are contraindicated in all of the following circumstances, except:
A. Chronic heart failure
B. Untreated hyperthyroidism
C. Untreated adrenal insufficiency
D. Acute coronary syndrome
E. Decompensated tachyarrhythmia
Thyroid hormone doses should be increased when used concurrently with:
A. Estrogens
B. Clofibrate
C. 5 methylfluorouracil
D. Androgens
E. Тamoxifen
All of the following are true about anti-thyroid medications, except:
A. They inhibit iodine transport into a follicle
B. They alter thyroid hormone synthesis
C. They inhibit release of thyroid hormones
D. They activate synthesis of thyroid peroxidase
E. They destroy thyroid gland follicles
All of the following are side effects associated with thionamide use, except:
A. Arterial hypertension
B. Agranulocytosis
C. Nausea
D. Arthralgia
E. Toxic hepatitis
Which of the following electrolyte/fluid regulation abnormalities is not seen with glucocorticoid use?
A. Sodium retention
B. Fluid retention
C. Arterial hypertension
D. Heart failure
E. Potassium retention
Which of the gastrointestinal side effects is not usually seen with glucocorticoid use?
A. Peptic ulcer disease
B. Gastrointestinal bleeding
C. Hemorrhoids
D. Pancreatitis
E. Abdominal bloating
Which of the musculoskeletal side effects is not usually seen with glucocorticoid use?
A. Muscle weakness
B. Increase in muscle mass
C. Osteoporosis
D. Pathologic fractures of long bones
E. Spine compression fractures
Which of the following is not true with respect to glucocorticoid use?
A. They augment actions of anticoagulants
B. They augment actions of antiplatelet agents
C. They augment actions of hypoglycemic agents
D. They decrease efficacy of hypoglycemic agents
E. They increase side effects associated with anabolic steroids use.
All of the following doses of iodine containing agents are used to prevent iodine deficiency in the following patients, except:
A. Breastfeeding mothers 200 mcg/24 hours
B. Pregnant women 200 mcg/24 hours
C. Teenagers and adults 100-200 mcg/24 hours
D. Children 50-100 mcg/24 hours
E. People with intellectual work 300 mcg/24 hours
When glucocorticoids are prescribed using “twice a day” dosing, the doses should be divided in the following manner:
A. Half in the morning and half in the evening
B. Two thirds in the morning and one third in the afternoon
C. One third in the morning and two thirds in the evening
D. Half in the morning and half in the afternoon
E. One third in the afternoon and two thirds in the evening
You have just diagnosed lactic acidosis and associated coma. What is the first medication that should be administered in this situation?
A. 8.5% Sodium Bicarbonate drip
B. 20-25 U of short-acting insulin IV (intravenous)
C. 40-60 U of short-acting insulin SQ (subcutaneous)
D. 50-10 ml of 40% glucose
E. 400-500 ml of 5% glucose
Which of the following medications has the longest duration of action?
A. Glibenclamide
B. Gliquidone
C. Repaglinide
D. Metformin
E. Gliclazide MR
Which of the anti-hypertensive agents listed below is the agent of choice for treatment of diabetic kidney disease?
A. Rezerpin
B. Adelphane
C. Crystepin
D. Haemiton
E. Lisinopril
Patient developed thyrotoxic crisis. Which of the following medications should be used in this case?
A. Methimazole 50-60 mg may be prescribed through a nasogastric tube (should be crushed first)
B. 40-60 U of short-acting insulin SQ
C. 40-60 ml if 40% glucose solution
D. 8.5% Sodium Bicarbonate drip
E. 400 ml of 0.9% of sodium chloride
Chose the anti helminth medicine, which does not influence the Nematode:
A. Levamisole (Decaris)
B. Phenasalum (Niclosamide)
C. Mebendazole (Vermox)
D. Pyrantelum pamoas (Combantrin)
E. Pyrvinium Embonate (Pyrvinium)
Chose the medicine, which is effective in case of cysticercosis:
A. Albendazole
B. Mebendazole
C. Filixanum
D. Aminoacrichinum
E. Phenasalum
Which of the following medicines does not belong to the Fluoroquinolones:
A. Ciprofloxacin
B. Ofloxacin
C. Norfloxacin
D. Pefloxacin
E. Oxacillin
To the side effects, which develop when using antibacterial medications belong all except:
A. Anginoneurotic swelling, eosinophilia
B. Liver aminotransferase bilirubin normalisation
C. Hives, photodermatosis
D. Polyneuritis, pleksitis
E. Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome
Which sulfanilamide medicine has the shortest period of action?
A. Norsulfazolum
B. Sulfazinum
C. Sulfapyridazium
D. Sulfadoxine
E. Sulfadimethoxinum
Into the foetus blood and amniotic liquid penetrate in small amounts all the following antibiotics except:
A. Laevomycetinum
B. Tetracyclinum
C. Cephalosporin
D. Lincomycin
E. Gentamicin
Which antibacterial medicine belongs to Aminoglycosides?
А. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
B. Laevomycetinum
C. Сеftriахоn
D. Roxithromycin
E. Gentamicin
A patient has slow running infectious endocarditis. Which succession of treatment tactics will be correct?
A. Prescribing antibiotic
B. Prescribing sulfanilamides
C. Examining blood for hemoculture and defining the agent
D. Examining blood for hemoculture and defining the agent and prescribing antibiotic
E. Prescribing anti-inflammatory medicine and examining blood for hemoculture
A patient has type 2 sugar diabetes, third stage diabetic nephropathy, chronic pyelonephritis. Which antibacterial medicine will be correct in this case?
A. Aminoglycosides
В. Cephalosporins
C. Sulfanilamides
D. Polymyxins
E. 8-oxiquinoline derivatives
Chose the antibiotic, which may be used only through inhalation:
A. Gramicidium
B. Bacitracin
C. Spectinomycin
D. Mupirocin
E. Fusafungine
Chloramphenicol (Laevomycetinum) has influence on:
A. Staphylococcus
B. Corynebacterium
C. Enterococcus
D. Haemophilus influenzae b
E. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Doxycycline has influence on:
A. Staphylococcus
B. Chlamydia
C. Enterococcus
D. Haemophilus influenzae b
E. Corynebacterium
Mupirocin has influence on:
A. Chlamydia, mycoplasmas
B. Staphylococcus, streptococcus
C. Escherichia coli, proteus
D. Gonococcus, meningococcus
E. Clostridia, bacteroids
To the combined sulfanilamide medicine do not belong:
A. Co-trimoxazole
B. Salazosulfapyridazinum
C. Salazopyridazinum
D. Sulfapyridazium
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which is used in case of pneumocistic pneumonia:
A. Salazopyridazinum
B. Co-trimoxazole
C. Sulfadimethoxinum
D. Sulfalene
E. Norsulfazolum
Sensitive to sulfanilamides are:
A. Enterococcus, gardnerella
B. Mycoplasmas, Chlamydia (except trachoma agents)
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Staphylococcus, streptococcus
E. Clostridia, bacteroids
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which is used only for gastrointestinal infections:
A. Aethazolum
B. Phthalylsulfathiazole (Phthalazolum)
C. Norsulfazolum
D. Sulphamethoxazole
E. Co-trimoxazole
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which is used for ureter infections:
A. Sulfacylum
B. Co-trimoxazole (Bactrim)
C. Norsulfazolum
D. Salazodimethoxintun
E. Aethazolum
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which enters blood in high concentration and active mode:
A. Sulfadimezinum
B. Sulfazoxasol
C. Sulfalene
D. Sulfazinum
E. Sulphamethoxazole
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which is used in case of pneumocistic pneumonia:
A. Salazopyridazinum
B. Co-trimoxazole
C. Sulfadimethoxinum
D. Sulfalene
E. Norsulfazolum
Sensitive to sulfanilamides are:
A. Enterococcus, gardnerella
B. Mycoplasmas, Chlamydia (except trachoma agents)
C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
D. Staphylococcus, streptococcus
E. Clostridia, bacteroids
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which is used only for gastrointestinal infections:
A. Aethazolum
B. Phthalylsulfathiazole (Phthalazolum)
C. Norsulfazolum
D. Sulphamethoxazole
E. Co-trimoxazole
Chose the sulfanilamide medicine, which is used for ureter infections:
A. Sulfacylum
B. Co-trimoxazole (Bactrim)
C. Norsulfazolum
D. Salazodimethoxintun
E. Aethazolum
Which laxatives affect the large intestine?
A. Fenolftaliin
B. Cortex Frangula
C. Senna alexandrina leaves
D. Isapheninum
E. Bisacodyl
Which laxatives affect the small intestine?
A. Bisacodyl
B. Oil vaseline
C. Magnesium Sulphate
D. Karlovy Vary salt
E. Almond butter
In case of alcohol steatohepatitis the following medications are used except:
A. Esenciale-H
B. Glucocorticoids
C. Ademetionine
D. Ursodeoxycholic acid
E. Vitamin medications
In case of toxic hepatitis, caused by paracetamol overdose, aetiologic therapy consists in:
A. N-acetylcysteine
B. Essential phospholipids
C. Medications on sylimarine
D. Glucocorticoids
E. Vitamin medications
For treatment of excessive bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine syndrome are not used:
A. Tetracycline
B. Ampicillin
C. Metronidazole
D. Other antibacterial medicines of wide range
E. Fermental medicines
Which group of medications is not used for treatment of ?
A. Antibacterial medicines
B. M-cholinoblockators
C. Miotropic spasmolytics
D. Motorics inhibitors
E. Antidepressants
Which if the following medicines is effective for treatment of pseudomembranous colitis caused by antibiotics therapy?
A. Sulfasalazine
B. Loperamide
C. Ciprofloxacinum
D. Metronidazole
E. Prednisolon
Name the most effective medication, which is used in complex treatment of severe pancreatitis:
A. Octreotide (Sandostatin)
B. Pirenzepine (gastrocepinum)
C. Aprotinin ( Contrykal)
D. Ranitidin
E. Dexametason
To the medications, which depress the helicobacter infection belong all except:
A. Bismuth subcitrate
B. Metronidazolum
C. Furazolidone
D. Ranitidin
E. Clarithromycin
To the antacids, absorbed by the gastrointestinal belongs:
A. Aluminium hydroxide
B. Sodium hydrocarbonate
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Magnesium carbonate
E. “Maaloks”
Among blockators of Н2-receptors the most side-effects has:
A. Roxatidine
B. Nizatidine
C. Famotidinum
D. Ranitidin
E. Cimetidine
Choose the side effects of carbenoxolone, caused by its mineralocorticoid properties:
A. Hypoglicemia
B. Natrium and liquid holdback
C. Swelling
D. Arterial hypertension
E. All mentioned
Which medication should be used in case of atonic constipations?
A. Metoclopramide
B. Domperidon
C. Cisapride
D. Prozerin
E. Magnesium Sulphate
Which M-cholinobacter may be prescribed to a patient suffering from ulcer combined with glaucoma?
A. Pirenzepine
B. Меthacinum
C. Platyphylline
D. Atropin
E. Belladonna tincture
A patient has been diagnosed with chronic gastritis A and low secretory function. The use of which medication is pathogenetically proved?
A. M-cholinoblockators
B. Procinetics
C. Medications, which contain gastric juice elements
D. Intestinal microflora normalisators
E. Medications based on pancreatin
For blockators of Н2-receptors all the following statements are true except:
A. Lowering of basal and stimulated secretion of HCl
B. Dependence of the main effect on the dose
C. Higher efficiency in case of duodenal ulcer
D. Substantial influence on gastric motorics
E. Do not influence secretion of bicarbonates and slime
The average treatment dose of famotidin in case of ulcer disease is:
A. 10 mg/day
B. 20 mg/day
C. 40 mg/day
D. 60 mg/day
E. 80 mg/day
Which medication is effective in case of nausea and vomiting of vestibular genesis?
A. Metoclopramide
B. Sulpiride
C. Domperidon
D. Granisetron
E. Tropisetron
Which role does hemicelluloses included in “Festal” play?
A. Splitting of plant fibers
B. Protein splitting
C. Fat splitting
D. Carbohydrate splitting
E. Potention of other ferments action