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Unit I

Pharmacology of drugs acting on Respiratory system:-

  Anti asthmatic drugs:-

1)    These are medicines used to treat asthma attack.

2)    Also Prevents Asthma.

1. Bronchodilators :-

1)    used to treat asthma, COPD, allergies, and other breathing problems

2)    Relaxes muscles in the lungs and widening the airways (bronchi).

3)    opens the airways of the lungs.


  Mechanism :-

1)    Bronchodilators are beta-2 receptor agonists.

2)    When the beta-2 receptor is activated, the smooth muscle of the airway relaxes.

3)    And can be Cured.


  Side effects :-

1)    nausea

2)    vomiting

3)    loss of appetite

4)    diarrhea

5)    abdominal pain.


 (Write more by own language).


2. Leukotriene  antagonist:-

1)    antagonist of leukotriene receptor.

2)    prevent breathing allergies, asthma.

   Mechanism :-

1)    Blocks Leukotriene receptor.

2)    Blocks the action of leukotrienes which causes inflammation and nasal congestion.

    Side effects :-

3)    nausea

4)    vomiting

5)    loss of appetite

6)    diarrhea

7)    abdominal pain.

               (Write more by own language).


3. Mast Cell Stabilizer:-

1)    used to treat asthma, COPD, allergies, and other breathing problems

2)    Stabilizes mast the cell

3)    Prevents release of histamine.

   Mechanism :-

1)    Stabilizes mast the cell

2)    Prevents release of histamine.

3)    Prevent allergic reactions.

   Side effects :-

1)    nausea

2)    vomiting

3)    loss of appetite

4)    diarrhea

5)    abdominal pain.

               (Write more by own language).

4 .Corticosteroids:-

1)    These are steroidal drugs.

2)    used to treat swelling and inflammation caused by allergies, asthma.

   Mechanism :-

1)    reduce inflammation by suppressing the immune system

2)    modify the functions of epidermal and dermal cells and of leukocytes

Side effects :-   ( same as other drugs).


Drugs used in the management of COPD :-

          ( Write same as anti asthmatic drug)



1)    Used for clearance of mucus in upper and lower airways (lungs, bronchi, and trachea)

2)    clears congestion and make breathing easier.

Classification of Expectorants :-

1.     Bronchial secretion enhancers:

1)    Sodium or Potassium citrate

2)    Potassium iodide,

3)    Guaiphenesin

4)    Ammonium chloride.


2.     Mucolytics:

1)    Bromhexine

2)    Ambroxol,

3)    Acetyl cysteine

4)    Carbocisteine

Mechanism :-

1)    It works by thinning and loosening mucus in the airways.

2)    suppress cough.

3)    increases pulmonary secretion.

4)    clears congestion and make breathing easier.


1)      respiratory tract infections.

2)      common cold,

3)      pneumonia,

4)      bronchitis.

Side effects :-   ( same as other drugs).


1)    Used to suppress coughing.

2)    Help to  relieve a cough.


  1. Opioids:

1)    Codeine,

2)    Ethylmorphine,

3)    Pholcodeine.

 2. Nonopioids:

1)    Noscapine,

2)    Dextromethorphan,

3)    Chlophedianol.

  3. Antihistamines:

1)    Chlorpheniramine,

2)    Diphenhydramine,

3)    Promethazine.

  4. Peripherally acting:   Prenoxdiazine.

  5. Adjuvant antitussives/ Bronchodilators:

1)    Salbutamol,

2)    Terbutalin.

Mechanism :-

Inhibits coordinating region in the brain stem responsible for coughing.


  used to treat a dry cough caused by allergies, respiratory illnesses, or infections.


Nasal decongestants:-

1)    It is used to relieve nasal congestion.

2)    It works by shrinking the blood vessels in the nasal passages.

  Mechanism :-

1)    These are alpha and beta adrenergic agonist .

2)    It works by shrinking the blood vessels in the nasal passages.

3)    Reduces size of blood vessels so, air passes easily from nose.

  Classification of Nasal Decongestant:

1. Short acting decongestants administered topically:

1)    Phenylepherne,

2)    Phenylpropanolamine.

2. Long acting decongestants administered orally :

1)    Ephedrine,

2)    Pseudoephedrine,

3)    Naphazoline.

3. Long acting topical decongestants:

1)    Xylometazoline

2)    Oxymetazoline.


   Used in colds and flu, hay fever and other allergic reactions.


Respiratory stimulants:-

1)    Used to stimulate respiration.

2)    Used in asthma and nasal congestion.

 Mechanism :-

1)    stimulate medullary respiratory center

2)    activate aortic and carotid body chemoreceptors .

3)    improve sensitivity to carbon dioxide.

Examples: progesterone, theophylline, protriptyline, buspirone


1)    stimulate respiration after anesthesia 

2)    treat respiratory conditions such as (COPD)

3)    respiratory failure.







Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract:-


Antiulcer agents:-

1)    antiulcer agent are gastric acid secretion inhibitor .

2)    inhibits histamine action.


1)    Proton Pump Inhibitors:  Dexlansoprazole. Esomeprazole. Lansoprazole. Omeprazole. Pantoprazole. Rabeprazole.

2)    Histamine Type 2 Receptor Blockers: Cimetidine. Famotidine. Nizatidine. Ranitidin

   Mechanism :- 

1)    blocking H2 receptors present on the parietal cell.

2)    inhibit HCL acid secretion.


1)    acid peptic disease.

2)    acidity.


Drugs for constipation and diarrhea:-

Constipation drugs : Osmotic and stimulant laxatives, serotonin 5-HT4 receptor agonists .

Diarrhea drugs : Loperamide, bile-acid binding agents, rifaximin, clonidine, ,eluxadoline.



Constipation drugs :

1) Osmotic and stimulant laxatives  :

1)    increases the contraction of muscles in the intestines.

2)    trigger the intestines to contract and push out the stool.

3)    Absorb  water from body into your bowel to soft stool.

2) Serotonin 5-HT4 receptor agonists :

1)    increases gastric emptying.

2)    decreases esophageal reflux.

      Uses:- Used in Constipation.

      Side effects : (write by own language )

Diarrhea drugs :

1)  Loperamide:

1)    Used to control symptoms of acute and chronic  diarrhea.

2)    It works by slowing down contraction of the intestines. 

3)    Reduces amount of stool in people who have an ileostomy.

4)    Makes  stools more solid.

2) Bile-acid binding agents:

1)    Used to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL)

3) Rifaximin:

      1) Stops  growth of the bacteria that causes diarrhea.

4) Clonidine:

      1) used in irritable bowel syndrome.


Appetite stimulants and suppressants:-

Appetite stimulants:

   Drugs: Megestrol acetate, a progestin,  Oxandrolone

1) Megestrol acetate:

1)    used to treat loss of appetite, malnutrition, and severe weight loss .

2)    inhibit intracellular androgen action.

2) Progestin:

1)    increases appetite.

2)    increases fluid or water retention.

      (Write Same for Oxandrolone)


Digestants and carminatives:-

1) Digestants:

       1. Hydrochloric Acid  2. Pepsin 3. Papain  4.Pancreatin

1)    It is a substance that promote digestion of food.

2)    It contains digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid or bile salt.

3)    used when the pancreas cannot digestive enzyme.

    Mechanism :- 

         Helps in break down and digestion food.

              (Write more by own language)

2) Carminatives:-

1)    agent that prevents or relieves gas in the gastrointestinal tract.

2)    increases gastric emptying.

3)    Peppermint, cloves, garlic, ginger, lemon, and nutmeg are Carminatives.

         (Write more by own language)


Emetics and Anti-Emetics :-

1) Emetics:

1)    Agent that produces nausea and vomiting.

2)    Prevent the absorption or delivery of substances.

3)    Used in treatment of poisoning.

  Mechanism :- 

        it binds to factor X and factor IX.

           (Write more by own language)

2) Anti-Emetics :

1)    It Prevents nausea and vomiting.

2)    Used to treat motion sickness and side effects of opioid analgesics.

   Mechanism :- 

       Block serotonin from interacting with the 5-HT3 receptor.

            (Write more by own language)


---------------------------------------------END OF UNIT 1 -------------------------------------------


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