Factors influencing design and act of controlled release Product:
Syllabus :
Controlled drug delivery systems: Introduction, terminology/definitions and rationale, advantages, disadvantages, selection of drug candidates.Approaches to design controlled release formulations based on diffusion, dissolution and ion exchange principles. Physicochemical and biological properties of drugs relevant to controlled release formulations..
Controlled drug delivery systems
Blood plasma is a liquid component of blood that contains mostly water, along blood cells, clotting factors, hormones and antigens. Plasma contains up to 99.9% water and only 0.1% protein, clotting factors, colloids, globulins and many other substances. Plasma is removed from the blood by spinning it down in a centrifuge. The purified plasma is then made into various products such as vaccines and medicines. Blood plasma has many applications in medicine, including drug delivery systems.
In 1940, Thomas Edison invented the first drug delivery device, the syringe. Drug delivery systems are medical tools used for administering medications in a precise manner. These systems consist of several parts: the container, the drug, the needle, the pump and the syringe's cap. When setting up a drug delivery system, certain safety rules must be followed to ensure that no unintended products are made. First, the container must be sterilized before any medications are added to it. Then, the needle should be attached to the pump's tubing so that it can draw liquid from the container and inject it into a patient's body. After that, the cap should be replaced on top of the bottle to prevent accidental extravings; this also prevents curious patients from accessing dangerous medication yourself.