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Pharmacology 3 Unit 5 Notes pdf


Principles of toxicology:-

Q. Definition and basic knowledge of acute, subacute and chronic toxicity


1. Acute toxicity:

Adverse effects of a substance caused by single or multiple exposures in a short period.

Example : over consumption of alcohol and “hangovers”.

Causes harmful effect on body.

Used to determine dose that produces serious toxic effects.

Symptoms :

Swelling of the skin.

Severe pain.

Ulcers (sores)

Necrosis (death of the skin)

Peeling of the skin.

Subacute toxicity :

Adverse effects of a substance caused by repeated or continuous administration of a test sample.

Causes harmful effect on body.

Used to determine new drug potential adverse effects.

  Symptoms : Nausea, vomiting,heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea with bloody stool.

Chronic toxicity:

Adverse effects of a substance caused by repeated or continuous administration of a test sample.

Example: cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Causes harmful effect on body.

Symptoms: confusion, tremor, memory loss, poor concentration.

Q. Definition and basic knowledge of genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and mutagenicity.


1. genotoxicity:

Chemical agents that damages the genetic information.

It can causes cancer.

Can causes heritable changes.

These changes can passes from one generation to another generation.

 2. Carcinogenicity:

Any substance or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis.

So, formation of cancer starts.

Example: environmental or medical radiation, smoke, and even some viruses and medications.


Ability of substance that causes defects in a developing fetus.

Side effect of many drugs such as thalidomide.

Causes Pregnancy complications.

 4. Mutagenicity:

Permanent changes in genetic material of cells.

Types: physical mutagens, chemical mutagens, or biological mutagens.

Examples of mutagens: include radioactive substances, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and certain chemicals.

Q. General principles of treatment of poisoning


Removal of unabsorbed poison from body.

Stops  source of poison.


Elimination of absorbed poison.

Treatment of general symptoms.

        (Write ✍ More by own language)

Q. Clinical Symptoms and management of barbiturates, morphine, organophosphosphorus compound and lead, mercury and arsenic poisoning.


1. Barbiturates : (Poisoning)


Difficulty in thinking

temperature decreased

weak pulse rate 

poor coordination

muscle weakness

and dilated or contracted pupils.

Management/treatment :

There is no direct antidote for barbiturates.

support person for breathing and blood pressure.

Multiple doses of charcoal may be required.

 2. Morphine:



Blurry vision.



Severe constipation.

irregular breathing.



Antidote of opioid overdose is Naloxone.

Antidote reverses the effect of poison.

Naloxone can be administered.

3. Organophosphosphorus compound:


Increased saliva 

tear production

small pupils


muscle tremors 



Atropine and benzodiazepines can be given.

It block muscarinic overstimulation.

4. Lead:


Abdominal pain




constipation .



     Calcium disodium EDTA used for treatment of lead poisoning.

5. Mercury:


excessive shyness

memory loss



neuromuscular changes.


There is no antidote for mercury but chelation therapy is used in some cases.

Removal of the patient from exposure to mercury.

  6. Arsenic poisoning:


Metallic taste in the mouth 

garlicky breath

excess saliva.


            Dimercaprol used in arsenic poisoning.


Q.Definition of rhythm and cycles


  Rhythm:  Natural cycle of body which causes change in chemical secretion and functions.

  Cycles: Series of events that repeated regularly in the same order.

Q.Biological clock and their significance leading to chronotherapy.


Mechanism that controls the physiological activities 

Changes in season such as day or night.

every tissue and organ contains biological clocks.


Play a vital role in cell proliferation and apoptosis.

abnormal function of genes could result in tumor development.

Makes body strong during changes in temperature or in any situation.

---------------------------------------------END OF UNIT 5 -------------------------------------------

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