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Biostatistics Question bank and IMP questions For B.Pharmacy Sem 8

 Biostatistics and Research Methodology Question bank and

 Important Questions 

B. Pharmacy Sem 8


Unit-I 10 Hours

Introduction: Statistics, Biostatistics, Frequency distribution
Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode- Pharmaceutical examples
Measures of dispersion: Dispersion, Range, standard deviation, Pharmaceutical
Correlation: Definition, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, Multiple correlation - Pharmaceuticals examples

Unit-II 10 Hours

Regression: Curve fitting by the method of least squares, fitting the lines y= a + bx and x = a + by, Multiple regression, standard error of regression– Pharmaceutical Examples
Probability:Definition of probability, Binomial distribution, Normal distribution,
Poisson’s distribution, properties - problems
Sample, Population, large sample, small sample, Null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis,
sampling, essence of sampling, types of sampling, Error-I type, Error-II type, Standard
error of mean (SEM) - Pharmaceutical examples
Parametric test: t-test(Sample, Pooled or Unpaired and Paired) , ANOVA, (One way
and Two way), Least Significance difference

Unit-III 10 Hours

Non Parametric tests: Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis
test, Friedman Test

Introduction to Research: Need for research, Need for design of Experiments,
Experiential Design Technique, plagiarism
Graphs: Histogram, Pie Chart, Cubic Graph, response surface plot, Counter Plot graph
Designing the methodology: Sample size determination and Power of a study, Report
writing and presentation of data, Protocol, Cohorts studies, Observational studies,
Experimental studies, Designing clinical trial, various phases.
Unit-IV 8 Hours
Blocking and confounding system for Two-level factorials
Regression modeling: Hypothesis testing in Simple and Multiple regressionmodels
Introduction to Practical components of Industrial and Clinical Trials Problems:
Statistical Analysis Using Excel, SPSS, MINITAB
® DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS, R - Online Statistical Software’s to Industrial and Clinical trial approach

Unit-V 7 Hours

Design and Analysis of experiments:
Factorial Design: Definition, 2
23design. Advantage of factorial design
Response Surface methodology: Central composite design, Historical design,
Optimization Techniques


Biostatistics is the study of statistics that deals with the analysis of biological data. It is a branch of mathematics and statistics that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data related to biochemistry, molecular biology, epidemiology and other disciplines dealing with life sciences. This course will help you to understand how to use statistical methods in analyzing biological data.
This course covers all the topics like: introduction to biostatistics, probability theory, random variables & distributions, hypothesis testing & confidence intervals for single samples or populations; correlation & regression; survival analysis;

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